If you are interested to get advertised through please contact us at
Please contact us to send you our price list.
We are open to discuss your requests and find the best possible way to communicate your brand or product.
  • Side / skin banners must be 160px wide and their height can vary from 160pixels up to 600pixels.
  • Banners added “as posts” (within the calendar of events pages) must be 240px wide.
  • Wide banners must be 728 x 90px.
  • All other banners must be 300 x 250px
  • All banners should be in .gif, or jpg  format. 
 Special package deals can be offered for regular clients and advertising companies.
We are quite strict with the aesthetics and the design of the banners so we may ask you to review its design in case it does not comply with our design standards or you may be asked to have our partners working on it on an agreed price.