Almost 50 years have passed since Le Corbusier, the Swiss grand master of modernism, swam into the Mediterranean Sea and died. Andea Stiga, a Barcelona-based architect created this beautiful and multiply awarded film in order to present some of the core of the architectural spirit of Le Corbusier, his celebrated “Five Points“.
Here are the five points of a new architecture as were stated by Le Corbusier in 1926 in his most influential book, Towards a New Architecture:
1 • Lift the building over pilotis: The ground floor of the house, like the street, belongs to the automobile. Therefore housing is raised on pilotis to allow the automobile’s movement or the green continuity.
2 • Free designing of the ground plan: A building floor plan should be free from structural conditioning so partitions con be organized in any way.
3 • The free facade: The structure separates from facade relieving it of its structural function.
4 • The horizontal window: The facade can be cut along its entire length to allow room to be lit equally.
5 • The roof garden: A building should give back the space it takes up on the ground by replacing it with a garden in the sky. Cover photo image: Le Corbusier © Willy Rizzo

Villa Savoye: The five points of architecture