Announcing the arrival of Milano Design Film Festival in 2020 by Founder and MDFF Partner, Annie Markitanis.
On the occasion of “DESIGN MONTH” by Archisearch on June 19, Founder of MDFF Athens, and MDFF Partner for Greece & Cyprus, Annie Markitanis, will be presenting the MDFF and MDFF World Tour format and concept, as well as announcing the organizational plans and the selected theme of the first edition of MDFF Athens, set to take place in early 2020.

The presentation will also include a screening of two short films; the “anteprima” of the selected short films is based on the theme that the upcoming first edition of MDFF Athens 2020 will be dedicated.

An Open Call To Designers, Design Critics, Architects, Journalists, Film Producers, Film Directors, Entrepreneurs, Students, Cultural Institutions and Initiatives, and Design Enthusiasts:
This MDFF Athens 2020 pre-launch Event is the first of a series of Events to follow, aspiring for the creation of a Greek MDFF community, through networking, call for submissions and an overall cultural and creative interchange…

About Annie Markitanis, Founder of MDFF Athens and MDFF Partner for Greece & Cyprus
At the age of 17, Annie Markitanis, left her Greek-Cypriot homeland to embark on an educational and self-growth journey that took her to California, London, and finally Milan, where she landed eight years ago. Her professional trajectory spans from Project Coordinator and Content Manager at creative production and digital companies to working as the Managing Editor of independent magazines, and becoming a Certified Eating Disorder Coach, helping individuals reach their treatment goals in real-life situations, serving as both a role model and a guide. In 2018, she joined the Milano Design Film Festival realm as a collaborator and, has been the MDFF Partner for Greece-Cyprus since January 2019. The first chapter of her MDFF World Tour journey begins with the launch of the first edition of MDFF Athens, in early 2020, an initiative that aims to lead to a constructive cultural and social alchemy between Italy and Greece, by bringing Design On Screen, and by creating a Greek MDFF community.
When Wednesday, June 19
Where depot6 bath & floor / Kastoros 41
For information, Film Suggestions and Film Submissions, please contact: Annie Markitanis at
Free entrance at pre-launch event upon registration – link

Η παρουσίαση θα περιλαμβάνει, επίσης, προβολή δύο ταινιών μικρού μήκους, μία πρόγευση των επιλεγμένων ταινιών μικρού μήκους που βασίζεται στο θέμα που θα αφιερωθεί η επικείμενη πρώτη έκδοση του MDFF Athens 2020.

Ανοιχτό κάλεσμα σε Designers, Design Critics, Αρχιτέκτονες, Δημοσιογράφους, Παραγωγούς ταινιών, Σκηνοθέτες, Επιχειρηματίες, Φοιτητές, Πολιτιστικά ιδρύματα και πρωτοβουλίες και Λάτρεις του Design:
Το MDFF Athens 2020 pre-launch Event είναι η πρώτη από μία σειρά εκδηλώσεων που θα ακολουθήσουν, με σκοπό τη δημιουργία μίας ελληνικής MDFF κοινότητας, μέσα από διασύνδεση, κάλεσμα για υποβολές ταινιών και μια συνολική πολιτιστική και δημιουργική συνδιαλλαγή.
Ημερομηνία Τετάρτη, 19 Ιουνίου
Τοποθεσία depot6 bath & floor / Κάστορος 41, Πειραιάς
Για πληροφορίες, ερωτήσεις, και προτάσεις ταινιών ή θεμάτων, επικοινωνήστε με την: Annie Markitanis στο
Εγγραφείτε δωρεάν για το pre-launch event εδώ!
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