A big thank you for the contribution to the birth and development of ARCHISEARCH.gr to our editor in chief until August of this year Architect, Engineer Simos Vamvakidis and his amazing work !  Thank you Simos !
We welcome on board our platform Architect Stavros Martinos as our new Editor in Chief.
Stavros said: “Archisearch has established its excellent reputation as an open platform of communication for all things art, architecture and design – related. This is the result of the great enthusiasm and commitment displayed by its editorial board and contributors, which, at the moment, is rewarded everyday by our hign numbers readership from Greece and other countries from the rest of  the world.

We wish to build upon this valuable legacy and take Archisearch one step beyond:

Our greatest hope and pride is in the vast network of young Greek architects and designers at professional practices and academic institutions all around the globe, whom we wish to invite as guest contributors. In our constant flow of information, we wish to include up-to-date, original content, covering a wide range of individual perspectives, with the aim of facilitating exchange.

Besides the customary images and short explanatory texts, Archisearch will exploit the full potential of dynamic media, such as the crowd-sourced moving image narratives, original interviews and critical essays open to debate and commentary, as well as constant feedback from our channels in the social media.

Archisearch is committed to further empowering a community that will share a global perspective while retaining a connection to its beginnings in Greece, allowing young talent, constructive criticism and innovative discourse to prevail.”

Stavros Martinos is an architecture historian, working on the transatlantic exchange of ideas that shaped the 20th-Century Modern Movement. He studied architecture at the National Technical University of Athens and continues his research at the Unite States, on a Fellowship from the Department of Hellenic Studies at Princeton University. He has worked as an architect and consultant in private and public projects as well as a researcher at the National Technical University of Athens and CNRS, within the framework of the scientific collaboration between Greece and France. He has assisted with Architectural History and Theory courses at the National Technical University of Athens and is a frequent contributor to conferences and scientific workshops in Greece an abroad, as participating lecturer or member of the jury.
Stavros became Editor of Archisearch.gr in September 2013. His vision is to provide a platform of communication and exchange for the vast network of young Greek architects and designers all around the globe, illustrating both professional practicioners as well as emerging academics and researchers.
You can follow stavros at: @smartinos pinterest  tumblr facebook