Το pavilion “The Swarm” είναι το αποτέλεσμα της μεταφοράς μέσω παραμετρικού σχεδιασμού, της λογικής του «σμήνους» σε ένα στατικό μεν, αλλά δυναμικής μορφολογίας χτιστό σύνολο. Η εγκατάσταση του pavilion λαμβάνει χώρα στον περιβάλλοντα χώρο του Βαυαρικού αρχιτεκτονικού συλλόγου. Η κατασκευή και συναρμολόγηση πραγματοποιήθηκε μέσω ψηφιακής παραγωγής στο υλικό Alucobond από φοιτητές και καθηγητές του πολυτεχνείου του Μονάχου.
To Swarm μπορεί να παρομοιαστεί ως η στιγμιαία σύλληψη της κίνησης ενός σμήνους πτηνών από τον φωτογραφικό φακό. Οι φοιτητές της σχόλης νέων τεχνολογιών του πολυτεχνείου του Μονάχου, Sabrina Appel, Max Langwieder και Sascha Posanski , με την συμβολή των καθηγητών Nadine Zinser – Junghanns, Moritz Mungenast και Wieland Schmidt σχεδίασαν και συναρμολόγησαν το μεταλλικό αυτό γλυπτό με συνολικό μήκος πάνω από 15 μέτρα και 4 μέτρα ύψος.
The development of the “SWARM” finds its origin in April 2011. At the Institute for Emerging Technologies at TU Munich, the idea was born in collaboration with visiting professor Charles Walker as part of an internal student contest. At the intersection between architecture, engineering and product design, The Swarm was chosen as the winner in July 2011 by a jury of renowned external architects, designers and industry representatives.
This first draft was the basis for the now presented final result: Within five months, the students Sabrina Appel, Max Langwieder and Sascha Posanski instructed by the assistants Nadine Zinser-Junghanns, Wieland Schmidt und Moritz Mungenast put the realization of the SWARM into practice. In doing so, the project became an exemplary cooperation between various departments of the Faculties of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy at the Technical University in Munich. The developed structures lead to a result that is unique up to now.
The main material used is the composite Alucobond. By combining various milling techniques an intelligent folding of the plane material is enabled, which are thus brought into a three-dimensional, stable form. Due to the character of the material the pavilion is weather resistant and thus suitable for use in outside areas. To compensate the forces affecting the sculpture, three different bird-modules were developed: one-way folded modules, modules with a folded Alucobond inlay and for the base points modules with a steel inlay. This method assures a consistent shape of the modules, an optimal distribution of forces and also supports the nodes.
Now a 1:1 model is realized in the outdoor area of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects. The 14 meter long, 4.75 meter wide and 4 meter high sculpture reflects the complex system it is based on. Viewing the pavilion from sideways it shows a dynamic flock of birds. In contrast the back view reveals the clear logic of the system by looking at the formation of the modules. The visitor is invited to discover the characteristics of The Swarm through one’s own personal experience and impressions.
All images are courtesy of Wieland Schmidt