Nowadays, we are spending more and more of our time in front of electronic devices. It tends to be not only for our pleasure or for our needs, but because of a bad habit we are generating. In this installation we asked people how many hours they spent using electronic devices, and how many hours they would like to spend, crossing this information with their age. Each person was represented with a string of light which connected each and every one of the answers given by the passers by. A statistical experiment that tries to bring some light to the darkest part of technology.
Domestic Data Streamers is a team of designers and researchers from Barcelona. We develop and propose new methods of visualization and interaction based on local language and a hands-on experience. We create real time data installations in spaces, interacting with the people and that which surrounds them.
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Images courtesy of Domestic Data StreamersIMAGES COURTESY OF DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS

Light Strings – Domestic Data Streamers from Pauerr on Vimeo.

Light Strings – Domestic Data Streamers