After his projects “H O R I Z O N “, “N O-C O M P L Y” and “L A N D S C A P E”, artist Giulio Vesprini, presents his new work of art “S U N”. This mural is located in Bressanone/Brixen in a vivid neighbourhood with multicultural character. Once again artist’s signature colours fill in the place, creating a characteristic spot which invites the whole local community to get together.

Giulio Vesprini is an urban artist and graphic designer who focuses on visual arts. He lives and works in Italy and has obtained various awards and publications for his art works.

“My latest work in Bressanone-Brixen, multiform and communicative, is an extension of the structure and the natural landscape in which it connects. A meeting place for the young people and cultural realities of Bressanone. Through this intervention and the interaction between Art and Architecture, occurs a clear and strong sense of identity that speaks to the community.”

“Union, connection, cohesion, completion, complexity, contemporanity: these are the meanings that Giulio Vesprini brings with his new work “S Y N” to the city of Bressanone.”

You can also see more of his previous works “H O R I Z O N “, “N O-C O M P L Y” and “L A N D S C A P E” published in .

Street Artist: Giulio Vesprini
Location: Centro Ricreativo e Culturale Don Bosco
City: Bressanone / Brixen
Curated by: Outbox – Urban Art in South Tyrol
Photo WIP: Outbox – Urban Art in South Tyrol
Official Photo: Luca Guadagnigni
Video: Andrea Spreafico
Produced in collaboration with: Younginside Coop
Technical assistance: Matteo Eg Anna Carol Bernard
Thanks to: Politiche giovanili – Alto Adige Alperia Stiftung Südtiroler Sparkasse, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Bolzano Federservizi ,Ard Raccanello Spa
You can see more of Giulio Vesprini’s work here.
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