The “LIFE” installation by b. on the lower level of the gallery transforms the space into a man-made dystopian wonderland, featuring murals, sculptures and paintings, echoing the artificiality of life’s traces left behind by human intervention.

Drawing upon his architecture training, b. immerses us into a spatial experience where garbage rainbows and animals drinking from yellow lakes feel almost dangerously familiar.

LIFE, solo show
Location Allouche Benias Gallery, Athens
Date 17 January- 31 March 2019
About b.
Born in 1982, b. lives and works in Athens as a street artist. He began creating graffiti in 1996, studied architecture at the University of Thessaly U.TH., which he graduated from in 2009. His work has been presented internationally in numerous exhibitions, festivals and special commissions.
In his studio “thisismybworld”, he works in a wide spectrum of projects from painting and illustration to urban installations and sculpting, while at the same time he travels and paints walls in cities all over the world. he works in the language of things consumed and discarded- from his subject matter to his chosen canvases. b. adorns crumbing and deteriorating city walls with Christmas trees, corporate logos, birthday cakes, religious insignias and other recognizable images with a certain degree of value. His playful images capture the world we’ve created, patched together from a random assortment of unassuming yet visually compelling objects.
Η εγκατάσταση “LIFE” από τον καλλιτέχνη b. στο κατώτερο επίπεδο της αίθουσας μετατρέπει το χώρο σε μια τεχνητή δυστοπική χώρα των θαυμάτων, με τοιχογραφίες, γλυπτά και πίνακες ζωγραφικής, που αντανακλούν τη τεχνητή φύση των ίχνων της ζωής που αφήνει η ανθρώπινη παρέμβαση. Χάρη στην αρχιτεκτονική του κατάρτιση, ο b. μας βυθίζει σε μια χωρική εμπειρία, όπου ουράνια τόξα από σκουπίδια και ζώα που πίνουν νερό από κίτρινες λίμνες μοιάζουν σχεδόν επικίνδυνα οικεία.
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