designtransfer presents:
“With increasing amounts of data available, the quantified reality seems hard to contest, yet is far from representing the truth. Although technology allows us to measure, record and represent data seemingly objectively, the choices of how and what to measure intimately embody an attitude and a bias. In the context of Transmediale Vorspiel 2015, designtransfer takes a look at objects and stories that emerge when data is measured, represented and made tangible.
A talk by the new media design collective Domestic Data Streamers from Barcelona will complement the exhibition. Visual representations of data grab our attention and affect us emotionally in ways that text alone usually can‘t. By transforming raw data into interactive systems, Domestic Data Streamers develop new data languages between arts, sociology and science. Their installations have been shown at several museums and cultural institutions including the Qatar Foundation, Design Hub Barcelona and SWAB. At designtransfer, they will explain how to turn excel forms into erotic lyrics. In addition, the exhibition will display the output of their workshop DATA SCULPTING, where students of the University of the Arts push the boundaries between data visualization and metal sculpting to create micro-data based stories.”
Archisearch - Data Sculpting Workshop process by Domestic Data StreamersDATA SCULPTING WORKSHOP PROCESS BY DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS
Archisearch - Data Sculpting Workshop process by Domestic Data StreamersDATA SCULPTING WORKSHOP PROCESS BY DOMESTIC DATA STREAMERS