Faberarium Workshop: Algorithmic Fabrication of Strips Design | December 7-9th, Thessaloniki  


Computational tools require new ways of thinking, especially for fabrication. The parametric tools and digital fabrication techniques, as the case of CNC (computer numerical control) machines, challenge the traditional perception by raising an open framework for thinking about design as a way of accumulation different possibilities.  

During this 9th intensive workshop, we will have the opportunity to investigate methods and construction processes of a coherent design methodology from concept to realization: modeling, manufacturing, assembling. Theoretical and guided classes are aimed to establish the tools that will be directly applied and used as a platform for testing ideas to facilitate the production of a real physical project out of flat material sheets. Participants will be introduced to the preparation, production process and CNC manufacturing techniques and naturally come to understand from an early stage, strategies and construction details constraint aspects of material behavior, joining system, reduction of fabrication cost and assembling process.

faberarium workshop, 2018, Thessaloniki

The agenda will follow as:

Friday 7th  [17.00-21.00]
Experiment with new digital tools through a series of algorithmic exercises using rhinoceros 3d and grasshopper as a platform.
Saturday 8th  [9.30-16.30 ++]
Development of individual design projects. Introduction to digital fabrication, preparation of cutting files and nesting.

Fabrication/ Construction
Sunday 9th  [9.30-16.30 ++] Laser/assemble.


Workshop title  Algorithmic Fabrication of Strips Design
Dates December, 7-8-9th 2018 Thessaloniki  
Keywords Computational tools, Fabrication processes, CNC, Automation in Design & Construction
Organizing Faberarium.org
Workshop Location
Gcode Workspace, Thessaloniki [http://www.createnpaste.gr]  

Aimed to all levels with strong will to learn to design and fabricate. Our team is always open for feedback from creative practitioners of all design and manufacturing fields  
Participants 6-12
Requires personal laptop running windows
Installed rhino 5 [https://www.rhino3d.com/download], grasshopper + kangaroo open source, latest version at [http://www.grasshopper3d.com/page/download-1]  
Duration 16 hours  
Language Greek/English  
Cost [regular] 160 [student] 125 [early-bird, Friday, Nov. 2] 125  
Contact [call] +30 2310 567555  [email] info@faberarium.org   

Apply to Faberarium Workshop here!