KAM Workshop in-situ 2013, New Monuments, will explore architecture’s ability to form propositions through buildings. Monumental architecture in the 20th century was largely rejected as a static and conventional reference to a dead past that blocked the possibility of creating flexible spaces. It was opposed to the idealized concept of “life”. Nevertheless these two concepts of life and the monument, movement and immobilization are only opposed because they interact by defining one another through an infinite reflexion. The workshop New Monuments will focus on this relation through the question of writing. Material writing deserves a further study, especially today, as the proliferation of built environments that are presented as deprived of any particular significance or meaning except their functionality leaves the question of writing unaddressed. Whether ‘form follows function’ according to Sullivan’s statement or whether buildings produce Venturi`s advertisement-like monuments, architecture’s writings are confronted – after the civilization of advertisement- with a different type of reading. Writing will be examined, in Chania, as a form of architectural materiality that designates an important area of investigation.

Kam workshops is a nonprofit initiative that takes place every summer in Chania, Greece and brings together practitioners, academics and students of architecture, design, fine arts and cultural studies for an intensive studio.

New Monuments workshop will host public lectures by Aristide Antonas (Architect & Writer), Adrian Lahoud (Director of the Bartlett MArch in Urban Design at University College London), Panayiota Pyla (Associate Professor, Director of the Department of Architecture at University of Cyprus) and Robin Schuldenfrei (Assistant Professor of Design History at the Institute of Art and Visual History, Humboldt University, Berlin). New Monuments closing event with the projects’ presentation and exhibition will take place on the 26th of August in Megalo Arsenali.

For more information you can visit the website www.kamworkshops.com or contact KAM Workshops at kamworkshops@gmail.com.


ΚΑΜ workshops 2013
CHANIA / Center of Mediterranean Architecture 22 – 27 august

Organised by the Architecture Syndicate
Co-organizing institution: KEPPEDIH-CAM
Curating, Coordination: Elina Axioti
Design: LambandLamp
supported by:
HU-Berlin, Institute of Art and Visual History
AUTH, School of Architecture
University of Crete, Department of Architecture
University of Cyprus, School of Architecture
UTH, Department of Architecture
University of Patras, Department of Architecture
Archisearch - KAM 2013 PROGRAMKAM 2013 PROGRAM