National Technical University of Athens, NTUA department of Architecture open invitation to students and alumni:

Parametric triptych workshop
Exploring material computation with wood, steel and concrete for small scale modular installations.

Material computation is a new field of architectural research, with already a number of examples such as the research pavilions from ICD from 2010 and on. Nevertheless, little research has being made comparing simultaneously different materials and their implications in the design and manufacturing of monocoque, modular installations.

Our aim is to use computation methods in order to test and compare the way material properties of wood, steel and concrete can affect the form, geometry, tectonics and assembly of durable, low cost modular structures.

The ways one can digitally design a system of modules are innumerable. In order to provide a clear frame of the design process to the students, they will be asked to digitally design using the Grasshopper software, an architectural system of modules that are composed of Parts and Joints.

Due to the size of the project, it will be split down to three phases. The first phase involves creating the digital library and Grasshopper definitions (with which one can manipulate possible variations of Parts and possible variations of Joints) modules, based on each of the three materials before mentioned properties. All Grasshopper definitions will be documented and all parameters controlled (from dimensions, to possible arrays and geometries) will be mapped out and compared.

In the second phase we will test low cost fabrication possibilities through mass customization in a 1:1 scale of some of the modules. We will evaluate which modules we will mass fabricate using CAM for the final phase, based on their performance: ability to host program, durability, maintenance and fabrication time demands and costs, as well as tectonic and aesthetic parameters. Any CAM will be combined with traditional masonry and concrete casting techniques.

In the last phase we will built a 1:1 scale multi modular element using the modules selected in the previous phase.

Basic knowledge of Rhinoceros software is desirable.


Location: NTUA Department of Architecture, Athens, Greece

Dates: March 29- April 3 2015

Registration required. Limited number of positions available, priority given to NTUA students.