New Generations is back in Milan with “New Farms for EXPO”, an international multidisciplinary project organized in collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Rome and the General Consulate of the Netherlands in Milan.
The project, running in Milan during EXPO 2015 from June 24th to 30th, includes architects, professionals and local administrators as well as agronomists, economists and urban scientists, with the aim of identifying tools and strategies for the reuse of abandoned buildings scattered across contemporary cities.
The research focuses on the reactivation of vacant municipal farmhouses, the so called “cascine”, located in the territory of Milan. The reuse of the public heritage and its involvement in the long term urban dynamics become, through the project, the fundamental element of social, cultural and entrepreneurial initiatives.
The activities will be held in two different locations: the one-week workshop will take place in Cascina Corte San Giacomo, while the three side-events will be hosted in the Milan Chamber of Architects’ headquarters, in Via Solferino 17.
Three research evenings related to the main topics of New Farms for EXPO, and open to the public,
complete the program of the lab:
• “Of Metabolism”: June 24th, 2015, h. 9PM. Guests: Luigi Bistagnino (Polytechnic University of Turin, IT), Eric Frijters (.Fabric, NL), Jan Jongert (SuperUse Studios, NL). Urban metabolism is a model to facilitate the analysis of the city, interpreted as a living organism where the technical and socio-economic processes result in growth, production of energy and elimination of waste. Italian and Dutch professionals are invited to present theories and examples of urban metabolism in which the reuse and recycle practices have been essential.
• “ReAct!”: June 26th, 2015, h. 9PM. Guests: Paola Alfaro d’Alençon (TU Berlin, DE), Saskia Beer (Glamour Manifest, NL), Dominika Belanská e Boglárka Ivanegová (Pod Piramidou, SK), Isabella Inti (DAStU – Polytechnic University of Milan /, IT), Carmelo Rodriguez (Estudio PKMN, ES), Ulrike Schartner (gaupenraub+/-, AT), Paola Sturla (Polytechnic University of Milan, IT). Experts of urban reactivation present recent European case studies in which the material, cultural and social renovation of several cities has been achieved combining the action on the built environment to the interaction with the citizens.
• “Milan / Rotterdam – Urban Strategies, Brand, Architecture”: June 26h, 2015, h. 5:30PM. Institutional greetings by David P.M. de Waal (General Consul of the Netherlands in Milan, NL). Guests: Robbert Nesselaar (Rotterdam Partners, NL), Kees van Oorschot (Municipality of Rotterdam, NL), Caterina Sarfatti (Municipality of Milan, IT), Ada Lucia De mint
Cover image: Duivenvoorde Castle by Non-fiction
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