Stockholm Design Week will take place from 3 to 9 february 2014. We can already see a small selection of all the objects, talks and designers that will happen in this period. At the same time from 4 to 8 February takes place in the city the Stockholm Furniture Fair and the Northern Light Fair. You can find the full program in the official website.
Archisearch - Broom baskets by Clara Lindsten photo Erik WåhlströmBROOM BASKETS BY CLARA LINDSTEN PHOTO ERIK WÅHLSTRÖM
Archisearch - Carry On Seat. Offecct - Mattias StenbergCARRY ON SEAT. OFFECCT – MATTIAS STENBERG
Archisearch - Cartoon Swedese - GamFratesiCARTOON SWEDESE – GAMFRATESI
Archisearch - Haiku FredericiaHAIKU FREDERICIA
Archisearch - Demi Lamp. Mattias StenbergDEMI LAMP. MATTIAS STENBERG