Thessaloniki in the Extremes
Urban design Master class
24-31 October 2014

The point of departure is the challenges faced by the city in response to the global economic crisis. As the predominant model of development, in Greece and around the world, is severely challenged today, there is a unique opportunity to re-invent it: shift from growth to sustainability, from market-dependency to self-sufficiency, from individually-motivated consumption to publicly-useful production.
Considering the crisis as a trigger for the re-invention of the city itself, participants are invited to use tools of city making in proposing radical scenarios for an uncompromising future.
Through an 8-day programme of group work, site visits, lectures, and social events, the master class, organised into 8 units of 8-9 people each, participants will produce a set of urban design proposals for different areas of Thessaloniki. Each unit will focus on different geographies of the city, ranging both in scale and location. Seen in its entirety, this set of final projects will constitute an extensive and thorough urban intervention proposal for the whole city. A whole new paradigm is longing to emerge. How can the city respond to it?
for further information and registration details download the master class programme
for enquiries contact
Participation fee: 250€
Participation fee for registration by 30 September: 190€
Project Leader: Sofia Xanthopoulou
Project coordinator: Andriana Limpa
Guest Tutors : Jorge Lopez, Abel Maciel, Fabianno Micocci, Stefanie Pesel, Shima Roshanzamir, Carlos Pisano, Claudia Tombini , Vasiliki Tsioutsiou
Host Tutors: Sotiria Alexiadou, Kiki Deliousi, Nikos Karagiannis, Tonia Mavroudi, Yiannis Mitropoulos, Panagiota Mouratidou, Eleni Papanikolaou, Elina Tsiota
Production assistance: Yiorgos Papamanousakis
Media and publishing support: Angeliki Zervou
Partner: SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AUTH (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Supported by: SATH, SADAS, TEE / TKM, GRAMMI design studio, KAKIOUSIS printing