Creative Lighting is a philosophy of image-making that sees light as the primary force in imagery. It’s about learning to see and think about light as a photographer or cinematographer does, and the craft of image making as a painter would. It is an approach to image making that favours the artist’s vision over technical knowledge.

Workshops, creative lighting, april, may, athens, thessaloniki


The aim of the workshop is to show attendees the power of lighting in architectural visualization. We will be giving a detailed breakdown of images that we have produced using the creative lighting philosophy. The course will offer an introduction to various image making concepts, cinematic lighting techniques and creative workflow solutions.

New Training Schedule:
Athens – Friday, April 7, 2017, 09:30 – 17:00, Register here.
Thessaloniki – Thursday, May 4, 2017, 09:30 – 17:00, Register here.

Workshops, creative lighting, april, may, athens, thessaloniki


“Ενα εξαιρετικό workshop μέσα από το οποίο προβάλλεται ο σχεδιασμός φωτισμού ως μέσο καλλιτεχνικής έκφρασης. Το φως παύει να είναι μόνο ένα ανεξάρτητο φυσικό στοιχείο..γίνεται αισθητό, γεννά αντιδράσεις, συναισθήματα και καινούργια νοήματα. Ευχαριστώ θερμά το Archisearch, την ομάδα του Creative lighting και τον instructor Νίκο Νικολόπουλο γι αυτήν την υπέροχη εμπειρία.”– Athina Adaktilou, Interior Architecture Designer

“Βασικά αυτού του είδους workshop ήταν ακριβώς αυτό που έψαχνα εδώ και πολύ καιρό, καθώς είμαι φοιτήτρια Αρχιτεκτονικής κι ασχολούμαι παράλληλα με σκηνογραφία, ενώ το cinematography ήταν κάτι που πάντα θαύμαζα και θα ήθελα να ασχοληθώ, απλά εντός σχολής δε μου είχε δοθεί η δυνατότητα να τα συνδυάσω. Ευχαριστώ πολύ το Archisearch και το Creative Lighting για αυτήν την ευκαιρία.”
– Anrietta Gkioni

“On behalf of Exposi3d, we would like to thank Nikos for his amazing workshop. Nikos is a master of light and a true professional. His training was inspirational, and has provided us with all the necessary tools to improve our work and make exciting, beautiful images.”
– Odysseas Miltiadous, Exposi3d

Workshops, creative lighting, april, may, athens, thessaloniki


Understanding how to harness light is central to the artist’s creative skill set. The team wanted to help artists grow this skill. They wanted to create a place where like-minded creatives could come for inspiration and knowledge. We wanted it to be open to anyone anywhere, as long as they were as excited about light as we are. And so, a radical new kind of members’ club was born. The clubhouse is online, where you’ll find the lecture theatre, gallery and even a DJ booth. But we couldn’t figure out how an online bar would work, so there’s plenty of roadshow events in the calendar.

Workshops, creative lighting, april, may, athens, thessaloniki

About Creative Lighting

Workshops, creative lighting, april, may, athens, thessaloniki


Creative Lighting fomented at Cityscape Digital’s Shoreditch studio. Nikos, then CGI director at Cityscape, and Damian its creative director fought long and hard in the heat of the engine room (it was pretty small and crowded back then) over how to make visuals of buildings beautiful, exceptional. They turned to cinema for inspiration, and the awe-inspiring world of cinematography started to open up its secrets to them. Many Pinterest boards, sketches, 3D tests and research into Roger Deakin’s later, an in-house workshop was born: Creative Lighting vs. Mundane Realism. From there the philosophy took on a life of its own.