Στα πλαίσια του 9ου Διεθνούς Φεστιβάλ Ντοκιμαντέρ Beyond Borders προβάλλεται το ντοκιμαντέρ “In the Sky of Nothingness with the Least” του Χρήστου Ανδριανόπουλου. Το ντοκιμαντέρ ακολουθεί τις ζωές της Νότας και του Ηλία, ενός ηλικιωμένου ζευγαριού που για 43 χρόνια ζουν σε διαφορετικούς κόσμους κάτω από την ίδια στέγη. 

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On a personal journey we discover the different worlds of an elderly couple; Nota and Elias. Traveling towards the final stop of life.

As the pandemic forces them to stay indoors, their daily routines become repetitive and mundane.

In the sky of nothingness with the Least

The film strips away the idealized view of a perfect, everlasting love and instead focuses on the realities of aging and the gradual decline of both their bodies and minds.

The title “In the Sky of Nothingness with the Least” reflects a sense of emptiness and acceptance of the bare minimum. It serves as a reminder to cherish our memories and experiences while we still can and to face the future with humility.

In the sky of nothingness with the Least

In the sky of nothingness with the Least

Overall, “In the Sky of Nothingness with the Least” is a poignant portrayal of the challenges of aging and the importance of coming to terms with it’s realities

In the sky of nothingness with the Least


When I was studying in my university in New York, I always had a dream of going back to Greece to film my grandparents’ lives. As a child, I was curious about the dynamics of their relationship and wanted to explore them further. When I finally went back to Greece, this dream was closer and closer.

In the sky of nothingness with the Least

One day I visited my grandparents and when I left and closed the door behind me, my mind was flooded with questions. I realized that I only knew them in certain contexts and had never witnessed them in situations where I was almost invisible.

This sparked a curiosity in me, and I began to wonder if they even spoke to each other or sat in the same room when I wasn’t around.

My biggest question was whether or not they loved each other. With that question in mind, I decided to embark on a personal journey to understand their relationship and witness their daily lives.

I was lucky enough to start filming a few months before their minds and bodies began to deteriorate, allowing me to capture their existence while they could still survive by themselves. As I began the filming process, I realized that I needed to create a personal film while minimizing my presence in the space. I decided to shoot most of the footage with a tripod to create the illusion that there was no one behind the camera. I wanted viewers to see my grandparents truth when no one was around.

For me, truth is subjective, and I wanted to create a space where viewers could find their own perceptions of truth. The film explores the taboo of death, which became an obsession for me after my mother passed away.

However, through this process of being close to death and filming it, I also discovered that it allowed me to create an ode to life. “In the Sky of Nothingness with the Least” is my ode to life and my attempt to immortalize my grandparents. Through their story, I hope to confront the realities of aging and the decay of the mind and body while celebrating life.

Christos Adrianopoulos was born in 1996 in Athens, Greece. In 2014 he moved to New York to study filmmaking at SUNY, Purchase. During his studies he made numerous short films. His thesis short film “The Big Tomato” was shown in numerous film festivals in Greece. In 2020 he returned to Athens were he still resides. His latest project “In the sky of nothingness with the least” is a feature documentary premiering on the Newcomers Competitive section in Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival.

Facts & Credits (film)
Title (ENG / GR)
In the sky on nothingness
Genre Documentary
Direction and Cinematography Christos Andrianopoulos
Production Company Alipnnoos Audiovisual Productions S.A. 
Production – Line Production Vassiliki Patrouba
Production Design Despina Mouzaki
Editing Consultancy Evgenia Papageorgiou
Music Dimitris Kalamara (Cello – WERA, Double bass – Dimitris Koulentianos, Sound design & mixing – Enes Ahmet Kehagia)
Titles & Graphic Design Zoe Kravvariti 
Subtitles Melissanthi Giannousi 
Post Production Laboratory Authorwave (Head – Panos Bisdas, Manager – Liza Chrysochoou, Coordinator – Amalia Tsaousi)
Technical Supervisor Panagiotis Karachalios 
Color Correction Maria Tzortzatou

Facts & Credits (event)
Title 9ο BEYOND BORDERS – International Documentary Festival
Location Kastelorizo, Greece
Date 25 August- 1 September 2024

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