“Take and eat, this is my body; I am the bread of life, he who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.”
A laid out table with tableware created from church host (sacramental bread) is the transfiguration of Jesus’ body in objects, in an ethereal personalization and veneration of the product.
A comment on mass consumerism and the lack of values through the profanation of the host as a food substance, bringing it thus back to a worldly level.
In a contemporary historic moment of ideological, political and religious crisis TRANSUBSTANTIA PAGANUS is a mirror that allows the comparison between the spectator and the metaphorical meaning of the work; we are all part of the process, victims and executioners of the decadence in every field of contemporary life: religion, politics, society and the environment.
The objects composing the banquet reflect the condition of fragility and emptiness, celebrating the return to a process where symbolism is stronger than morphology, denying the object’s own substance which is lost in primordial and fragile forms.
PADIGLIONEITALIA – FOODMADE | Via Oslavia 3, Ventura Lambrate Milan | 9 – 14 April 2013 | www.padiglione-italia.com