Written symbols are omnipresent in our culture. They open up the universe of the written word and give us directions in everyday life. But the distinct message inherent in their appearance is often only noticed subliminally. ‘ON–TYPE: Texts on Typography’ conveys the fascination of type design and shows classics from twentieth-century typographic history along with recent examples.
The exhibition gathers together theses, manifestos and stocktaking accounts from twentieth-century typography in the German-speaking countries. It also presents type specimens and insiders’ typography magazines, and discusses the central protagonists and important debates in the history of typography regarding legibility, use of small letters in German, and the effects of digitalization. ‘ON–TYPE: Texts on Typography’ is an exhibition arranged by the Department of Design at the Fachhochschule Mainz, in cooperation with the Gutenberg Museum Mainz and the Bauhaus Archive Berlin.