Philographics is all about explaining big ideas in simple shapes. I started the project 2 years ago with the intention to merge the world of philosophy and graphic design, and it has since received some internet popularity. In the beginning it was a set 24 posters, explaining philosophical theories like Dualism, Free Will, Existentialism or Idealism using only shapes and colour. But so many important ‘isms’ were left out that I decided to add more designs to the collection.

Today the project consists of 95 designs, each of them depicting a different `ism` using a unique combination of geometric shapes, colors and a short definition of the theory. I’ve spent the last 6 months working full-time on this project in my studio in Dalston, London with the goal of creating an image for each of the world’s most important ‘isms’ and putting them all together in some sort of visual dictionary of philosophy.

“It takes the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 28,250 words to explain the woolly concept of relativism. It takes Genis Carreras 32 words and a single image. If you ask me, he doesn’t even need the text.” — Co.Design
Archisearch - Determinism (c) Genís CarrerasDETERMINISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Anthropocentrism (c) Genís CarrerasANTHROPOCENTRISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Optimism (c) Genís CarrerasOPTIMISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Theism (c) Genís CarrerasTHEISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Optimism (c) Genís CarrerasOPTIMISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Socialism (c) Genís CarrerasSOCIALISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Positivism (c) Genís CarrerasPOSITIVISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Absolutism (c) Genís CarrerasABSOLUTISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Naturalism (c) Genís CarrerasNATURALISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Constructivism (c) Genís CarrerasCONSTRUCTIVISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Free will (c) Genís CarrerasFREE WILL (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Individualism (c) Genís CarrerasINDIVIDUALISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Finalism (c) Genís CarrerasFINALISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Epiphenomenalism (c) Genís CarrerasEPIPHENOMENALISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Relativism (c) Genís CarrerasRELATIVISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Eclecticism (c) Genís CarrerasECLECTICISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS
Archisearch - Dualism (c) Genís CarrerasDUALISM (C) GENÍS CARRERAS

Genís Carreras in Kickstarter