The Between Time Showcase is an event like nothing experienced in Germany before. Breaking from conventions of the typical showroom mono-culture, the curators Pöppler & Hofstetter are creating a lavish world poised at the intersection of interior architecture studio, fine art gallery and home furnishings boutique; embellished with an alchemical mix of hand selected design elements.
The historic building, a long time favorite of architecture aficionados shrouded in mystery, has been featured in only a handful of select high profile events.Scheduled for complete renovation in the near future, the Between Time showcase will be one of the final opportunities for the public to bask in the decaying splendor of the architectural treasure, Wallstrasse 85.It stands as one of the few remaining buildings of its kind – a final remnant of old Berlin`s faded glamour. Just a short walk from both Alexanderplatz and Museumsinsel, the property and surrounding quarter share the story of recent rebound, development and inevitable gentrification after over 30 years of neglect behind the iron curtain.
The Between Time grand finale has been timed to coincide with the newly launched Berlin Art Week, running from Sept. 17-22 which unites significant art fairs, collectors and institutions, creating synergies among key players in fairs, exhibitions, collectors and discussions.