This proposal concerns the internal configuration of the offices of the record company IYA music which operates exclusively in China. This is a company that owns offices in several cities in China and this project involved the design of offices in the city of Shenzhen. The office MINAS KOSMIDIS -architecture in concept- took the concept and idea, and the Chinese office DHY communicated with the client and carry out the project. The overall coordination, held under the auspices of Design Lobby Asia.
Customer`s requirement was not only to create a workplace but a multifunctional interior that could meet complex needs and constantly changing. Some of these were the creation of concert space, small independent coffee bars, but also functions such as a recording studio, a ballroom, a photography studio etc. The general idea was originally based on the corporate identity and the graphic design work which already existed. The ¨brand name¨ was the foundation upon which attempted to develop an idea, a concept that was designed to complement and complete it.
Words life, happiness and music formed the conceptual basis of the idea, which have been translated with architectural terms.
Life: We believe that in order for somebody to feel alive it is necessary to be effective, efficient and flexible towards the conditions that are constantly changing and evolving. Architecturally, this is attributed to the flexibility of the interior, as we seek to create a space variable and adaptable to the future needs. Such a space can be more effective for employees who work in it, since it makes them feel more active and more responsible. Movable partitions and furniture waiting patiently for someone to deal with them, transparent walls give a character more open and honest, and little vegetation inside create literally a living architectural element.
Happiness: To feel happy it is a complex issue and even more a personal one. Proper design can be the starting point to begin to feel the world better. It is obvious that the use of color in the interior is designed to create pleasurable feelings for both employees and visitors by giving more specific characteristics and tensions within. The use of yellow as the main color of the brand and combined with green, representing the nature and the environment while white represents purity and sincerity.
Music: Concepts and evidence emanating from the music are used to complete the concept. The notes that compose every musical composition mutate into lamps and placed in the reception area, musical wind instruments converted into bronze fixtures as well. The wavy sheet covering the wall of the studio adds a rhythm in the space with references to sound and form. Stair’s metal handrail seems to have been made by many small individual shapes, wherein each one of these resembles the harp. These elements essentially lend an interaction. Metallic diagonal connections made from stretched wire rope and somehow can act as strings.
The record company IYA supports young artists and tries to highlight a more modern way of life which will be freed from the old stereotypes. We hope that the design falls within this general spirit of the company and fully meet customer requirements while creating a powerful set.