Για το σχεδιασμό του χώρου οι gfra παρουσίασαν ερμηνείες παραδοσιακών Ολλανδικών εικόνων, όπως το αναγνωρίσιμο πλακάκι Delft Blue και τα σπίτια στα κανάλια του Άμστερνταμ, δημιουργώντας έτσι μια σύγχρονη και ευχάριστη ατμόσφαιρα που θυμίζει την Ολλανδία.
τοποθεσία: Νέος Κόσμος, Αθήνα
κύριος του έργου de Nederlandse Vereniging in Griekenland
μελέτη: 2010, ολοκληρώθηκε 2011
αρχιτεκτονική μελέτη και επίβλεψη: gfra architecture
ομάδα μελέτης: Τάσος Γούσης, Joost Frijda, Εντυ Ρόμπερτς, Νότα Τσάλτα, Φωτεινή Αναγνώστου
Φωτογράφος: gfra architecture
κύριος του έργου de Nederlandse Vereniging in Griekenland
μελέτη: 2010, ολοκληρώθηκε 2011
αρχιτεκτονική μελέτη και επίβλεψη: gfra architecture
ομάδα μελέτης: Τάσος Γούσης, Joost Frijda, Εντυ Ρόμπερτς, Νότα Τσάλτα, Φωτεινή Αναγνώστου
Φωτογράφος: gfra architecture
The association of Dutch People in Greece, de Nederlandse Vereniging in Griekenland, moved to a new space. The building consists of two floors and a basement and can house the many functions of the association, which include apart from social meetings, also workshops, courses, sport and cultural activities, aimed to bring together Dutch people living in Greece and Greeks that have a connection with the Netherlands.
gfra architecture was asked for the design of the space, for which we introduced interpretations of well known Dutch icons, such as the recognizable Delft Blue tile and the facades of the canalhouses of Amsterdam, in order to create both a contemporary and a pleasant atmosphere, reminiscent of the Netherlands.
gfra architecture was asked for the design of the space, for which we introduced interpretations of well known Dutch icons, such as the recognizable Delft Blue tile and the facades of the canalhouses of Amsterdam, in order to create both a contemporary and a pleasant atmosphere, reminiscent of the Netherlands.
location: Neos Kosmos, Athens
client de Nederlandse Vereniging in Griekenland
design: 2010, completed 2011
architectural design and supervision: gfra architecture
design team: Tasos Gousis, Joost Frijda, Edward Roberts, Nota Tsalta, Fotini Anagnostou
Photographer: gfra architecture
client de Nederlandse Vereniging in Griekenland
design: 2010, completed 2011
architectural design and supervision: gfra architecture
design team: Tasos Gousis, Joost Frijda, Edward Roberts, Nota Tsalta, Fotini Anagnostou
Photographer: gfra architecture

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