Preservation as a way of thinking about and making of architecture and interior design, is the logic behind the creation of Yugo Apartment in Belgrade, a space that serves as the home of the designer Marina Yurieva, her partner and their cat. 

Yugo Apartment is the project for a rented flat in the Vračar district of Belgrade, where Marina lives with her partner and their cat.

The building was constructed in 1974 in former Yugoslavia. It is an 88 m2 space with retained layout, wooden floors, windows and doors.

«We specially looked for a home with original elements, because we always support preservation» — Marina said.

Since the couple collect records, mostly soul and reggae singles from the 60s and 70s, the living room is organised for listening to music.

The apartment is mostly filled with mid-20th century vintage furniture, however it has some contemporary items, along with the collection of lamps.

Facts & Credits
Title Yugo Apartment
Typology Interior, Apartment
Belgrade, Serbia
Status Completed, 2022

Architecture Marina Yurieva
Photography Ilya Ivanov
Text by the author