Maria Irene Moschona Records the Untamed Charm of Barbican Center, London

The unconditionally photogenic Barbican Estate, is a residential complex build during the 1960s and the 1970s in the City of London. Its architecture is one of the finest examples of 20th century brutalism. Designed by the architectural firms of Chamberlin and Powell and Bon,  upon the WWII ruins, Barbican Center today houses a multitude of financial institutions.

Maria Irene Moschona visited the estate in December 2016 to photograph Barbican Center’s current condition.

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barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate

barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate barbican, barbican center, photography, architecture, concrete, brutalism, london, uk, england, 20th century, image, estate

Have a look at Maria Irene’s image portfolio here.

Are you big on Barbican Center? You might want to check Luke Hayes’ images of Barbican exotic Conservatory!