Architect and instagrammer Roc Isern, based in Barcelona, shows us a variety of geometric shapes, patterns, colors and shadows by capturing Barcelona’s facades for tens of thousands of followers on Instagram at @BarcelonaFacades.
“Before, I just took photos while on holidays, but now, since I began using Instagram in 2013 with my first account @StoptheRoc, I always try to find time to rediscover my city focusing on architecture.”
Isern is a selft-taught photographer with a great interest in perfectly framed photos free of any obstacle.
Since he started surfing on Instagram and some photos caught his attention, he began to learn the technique for taking such kind of pictures by himself, and in 2014 he decided to start this project: @BarcelonaFacades.
Barcelona is an endless source of fronts of many architectonic styles, textures and colors.
Isern started going through the city looking always up, willing to discover something new everyday. He is mostly interested in geometrical shapes, patterns, symmetry, colors and shadows created on the facades.
BarcelonaFacades Project is a collection of city frames that is increasing day by day.

Find more images here !
If you are interested in urban photography have a look at the Unseen Faces of Kazakhstan’s Old and New Capital !
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