- About IS ARCH Awards
- Why take part?
a. IS ARCH is conceived as a platform for the promotion and recognition of university projects on an international scale.
b. The three winning projects will receive prizes worth a total of €7,000.
c. By promoting this platform, the ISARCH Awards intend to provide students with a gateway to the professional and corporate world.
d. As part of its interest in promoting the winning projects, ISARCH is in contact with various specialised journals and websites in order to secure their publication. All selected works will be published on ISARCH’s various platforms and on its website.
- Who is eligible to take part?
The competition is opened to all students of architecture and young architects that have graduated within the last 3 years prior to the date of sending in the necessary documents.
Each participant or team participants may submit as many projects as they wish, regardless of their nature, programme and budget. The panel of judges will take all entries into consideration.
The proposals may be entered by individual students or groups of students.
- What can be entered and how?
The documents should consist of academic projects carried out at university and mounted horizontally on a single DIN A1 panel. The name of the project must be stated correctly in the bottom right-hand corner of the panel. All proposals must be anonymous and the text which appears on it in English. The authors may also include all information they consider necessary in order to fully understand the project: planes, sections, perspectives, photos of the model, sketches and specifications, etc.
Entries must be in JPG format with a resolution of 300 dpi and the maximum file size is 20MB.
Entries must be sent by email to awards@isarch.org.
In order to take part in IS ARCH Awards, participants must also register on the IS ARCH website, as explained below, and pay the corresponding registration fee.
When it is done, the scanned copy of proof of payment of the registration fee has to be sent to info@isarch.org
Payment must be made by bank transfer to:
Caja de Arquitectos, Spain
IBAN ES52 3183 0700 40 0001063124
stating the author’s name and title of the entry.
- Prizes
First prize €3,000
Second prize €2,000
Special prize €1,000
10 Honourable mentions.
30 Finalists.
Possibility of internship at juries’ offices.
As part of its interest in promoting the winning projects, ISARCH is in contact with various specialised journals and websites in order to secure their publication. All selected works will be published on ISARCH’s various platforms.
- Calendar
8th Edition registration is open: from 5th of december 2016 to 15th of october 2017. |
From 5th december 2016 to 25th january 2017. |
30€ |
From 10th january to 30th june. |
90€ |
From 30th june to 15th october. |
THIRD REGISTRATION PERIOD Special registration period (30 eur) from 15th to 25th september. |
120€ |
15th october. |
Closing date for entries. |
From 2nd to 20th of november. |
Monday 5th december. |
* For any questions that you have, you can direct to us by sending an e-mail to info@isarch.org.
- Registration
Entries will only be accepted if the participants are correctly registered. All registrations must be made via the IS ARCH website.
Participants must fill in all the sections included on the form and click on SEND.
- Jury
- ALEXANDROS KALLEGIAS, Senior Architect at Zaha Hadid Architects
- FALA Atelier
Filipe Magalhães, Ana Luisa Soares and Ahmed Belkhodja - BEN VAN BERKEL, Founder/Principal Architect UNStudio
Kenzo Tange Chair at Harvard University Graduate School of Design - JOSHUA PRINCE-RAMUS, Founder/Principal /President at REX
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