Landscape Architecture_Conference Invitation | by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The Joint Postgraduate Program of studies in Landscape Architecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Architecture – School of Agriculture has completed successfully 20 years of operation and international recognition. It is organized on this occasion the Conference “LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE +20. Education, Research and Practice” on 2-4 November in AUTH, Thessaloniki. The abstract submission is open until Thursday 15 June 2023.

-press release

Celebrating 20 years of presence of the Joint Postgraduate Program of studies in Landscape Architecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Architecture – School of Agriculture, the “LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE +20. Education, Research and Practice” conference will take place on 2-4 November 2023 at P. Panagiotopoulos and A. Tsioumis Amphitheatres of the Faculty of Engineering, AUTH in Thessaloniki, Greece.

This comes as a continuation of the first conference under the same title, in 2005, only 2 years after the beginning of the Program, which had an overwhelming attendance and response.

The conference welcomes colleagues, teachers and researchers of Landscape Architecture, architects, agronomists, foresters, land surveyors, civil engineers, artists and other professionals who may contribute to the practice of Landscape Architecture through their work, landscape architecture graduates and their work, and students.

The conference is addressed to the following thematic sessions: landscape policy, landscape planning and design, natural, rural and suburban landscape, sustainable, resilient and energy saving landscapes, historical and cultural landscapes, territory/region, urban strategies, technical works and landscape, public space, green and blue infrastructures, parks and gardens.

The abstract submission is open until Thursday 15 June 2023. Authors are welcome to submit abstracts relevant to the thematic Sessions for an individual Oral or Poster presentation.

Facts & Credits

Project Title  LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE +20. Education, Research and Practice
Project Type  Conference
Coordinators  Joint Postgraduate Program of studies in Landscape Architecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Architecture – School of Agriculture
Location  AUTH, Thessaloniki
Date  2-4 November 2023

More information on the conference and the registration can be found, here.



Συγκατοικώντας τα Κενά: Φοιτητικός & Νεανικός Συνεργατικός Διαγωνισμός | Παρουσίαση αποτελεσμάτων την Πέμπτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2025, 18:00 στη Σχολή Αρχιτεκτονικής του ΕΜΠ